Deploy .ADMX Files with MEM/Intune.

2021, Apr 21

This is a quick example of taking a ADMX file and converting it to a OMA-URI ready for a custom device profile.

1). First we have to grab the ADMX file (We will use google .ADMX file)

Downlaod the Google Chrome Enterprise x64 bundle - (Google Chrome Enterprise x64 )

The file we need is call "chrome.admx" file shown below

Incoming Connector

2). head over to the endpoint portal

( )

3). Go devices view, select configuration profiles and then create profile:

Incoming Connector

4). Select Windows 10 and later as platform and profile type as Templates and then select custom from the template names and then click create

Incoming Connector

5). In this screen you need give your device profile a name and if necessary a description and click next

Incoming Connector

6). In this screen we can add the settings and configuration from the chrome.admx file we downloaded earlier.

Incoming Connector

Click Add to create the first OMA-URI setting

Incoming Connector

In there we put the following information.

Name - Chrome ADMX Ingestion

Description - Chrome ADMX Version – 68.83.32840

OMA-URI - ./Device/Vendor/MSFT/Policy/ConfigOperations/ADMXInstall/Chrome/Policy/ChromeAdmx

Data type - String (when you select string you get a another box called value)

Incoming Connector

Value - We need to add the contents of the chrome.admx file.

To do this right click on chrome.admx and select open and open in notepad for example

Incoming Connector

select all and copy and paste into value box

Incoming Connector

And click Save.

Incoming Connector

Now we added the chrome.admx we can now reference it in the following OMA-URI settings.

7). Click Add to create the next OMA-URI setting

Incoming Connector

8). In this example it will be the Auto Update Period for Chrome

Incoming Connector

Name - Chrome Auto Update Check Period

Description - Sets Time for Chrome to Check for Updates

OMA-URI - ./Device/Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/GoogleUpdate~Policy~Cat _ GoogleUpdate~Cat _ Preferences/Pol_AutoUpdateCheckPeriod (no spaces in the line)

Data type - String (when you select string you get a another box called value)

Value - Incoming Connector

And click Save.

We should now see two OMA-URI settings in our policy

Incoming Connector

9). Click next.

10). In the Assignments section we now need to deploy our OMA-URI settings, In this example I have selected my Google Chome Application users for deployment.

Incoming Connector

Hit the Next button to move to the next screen

11). In the Applicability Rules section we can leave blank for this example

Incoming Connector

Hit the Next button to move to the next screen

12). In the final section we can double check any settings or make last minute changess.

Incoming Connector

Hit the Create button to deploy the custom device profile.